Supreme Court


What Did You Learn About The Supreme Court That You Didn't Know Before?

There were quite a few things that I didn't know before I read the article. Such as, how the very first Supreme Court was created by Chief Justice John Ray and the associate Judges were John Rutledge, William Cushing, John Blair, Robert Harrison, and James Harrison. I also learned that the highest judicial officer is in charge of seeing over the Supreme Court and scheduling weekly meetings. That definitely sounded like a handful. The Chief Justice also looks over impeachments against Presidents of the United States which then go to trial. Because of previous history classes I have taken, I have basic knowledge regarding these topics but I am still learning. 

What Is The Most Important Take Away Point About the Supreme Court? 

The most important take away that I found after reading is the basics of the Supreme Court such as when it was created, who it was created by, as well as how it functioned when it was first created compared to today's day and age and how it has changed over the years since it was first established.

What Was The Most Surprising Thing You Learned?

The most surprising thing that I read about was some of the important cases that were listed starting off with Mapp v Ohio which stated that any evidence found illegally is unable to be used in criminal cases, Texas v Johnson says that the American flag being burned and any harsh or offensive speech is protected by the First Amendment which was very surprising to me because I would have thought the complete opposite. And last but not least, United States v Windsor which stated that the Government had no authority to to deny any federal benefits to same sex couples. There were many more listed but those were the ones that stuck out to me the most

2023 Current Supreme Court Justices

Original Supreme Court Justices in 1790


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