Five Top Sources Of News


My top news source would definitely have to be Apple News. It is fast, easy, and usually I check my notifications from this app right when I wake up about various trending topics. They are very accurate with their information, and they also include news from other sources so there is lots of variety. 

Ever since high school, I have always used Buzzfeed News for all sorts of different topics. A nice thing about Buzzfeed news is that they have so many categories for all types of news that you want to look at so you are not restricted to just one topic. There is lots of leeway and that is the definitely a key reason why I enjoy getting my news from this source.

I have watched CNN since I was a kid as my parents always watched this around the house. Because of this, when I grew up, I continued to watch it since I had seen it all throughout my childhood. While CNN does not always update on pop culture topics all the time unless it is a severe situation, it helps me so much when I want to update myself on political topics or if I want to to know what is going on around the world.

Regarding pop culture, media, celebrities, etc my go to news is E News because it is easy to access on Instagram and their information usually always corroborates with other news sources and does provide misinformation like some news outlets do such as TMZ. Their news ranges in politics, celebrities, shows, movies, etc and helps keep me up to date regarding all those topics and even more. 

Twitter is definitely a hot spot for finding out the latest news whether it is important or not. Twitter users are always tweeting about some sort of news. Most of the time it is accurate however, you can never be too sure since regular twitter users are some of the people that share news. But, if you follow verified news source accounts, it is a great way to find out trending topics that will probably make you laugh like it does for me.


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